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Hate Crime Reporting

What is a hate crime or hate incident? A hate crime is a criminal act committed against someone based on their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is perceived as different. These crimes are motivated by prejudice, intolerance, or hatred and can have a severe impact on individuals and communities. A hate incident, on the other hand, refers to any non-criminal act that is motivated by hatred or prejudice.


At Pennine Mencap, we take hate crimes and hate incidents seriously. As a Third-Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre approved by Greater Manchester Police, we play a crucial role in helping victims report such incidents and provide the necessary support and guidance throughout the process.






















How can you access our services? Reporting a hate crime or hate incident is an essential step in combating discrimination and promoting a safer community. If you have been a victim or witness, you can reach out to us through various channels:


Visit our office: If you prefer face-to-face interaction, you can visit our office during working hours. Our team will be there to assist you, ensuring confidentiality and empathy throughout the process.


Remember, reporting a hate crime or incident is crucial, as it not only helps you seek justice but also contributes to raising awareness and preventing further acts of hatred within our community.


Together, let's stand against hate and work towards creating a community that values diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all. Contact Pennine Mencap, your trusted Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre, and let us support you in your journey towards justice and equality.

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